When the M meets the P

Marc de Hemptinne (chemin du Cyclotron, 2, Louvain-la-Neuve)

Marc de Hemptinne (chemin du Cyclotron, 2, Louvain-la-Neuve)

    • IRMP: Presentations
      Convener: Pierre-Emmanuel Caprace (UCLouvain)
      • 1
        Around the Riemann Hypothesis

        A hypothesis concerning the zeros of a simple function is among the oldest unsolved mathematical problems of today.

        We will describe the context and give examples to illustrate how
        the question is considered important both in and out of mathematics. The original conjecture has now been generalised to a large class of functions and has generated a great deal of research some of which we will mention in this talk.

        Speaker: Gautami Bhowmik
      • 2
        Infinite-dimensional Algebras, Asymptotic Symmetries and Black Hole Entropy

        The Black Hole Entropy Problem is a longstanding puzzle paving the road to the construction of a Quantum Theory of Gravity. After reviewing what the problem actually is, I will discuss approaches that have been taken in the last 20 years to tackle it. A key ingredient will be that of Asymptotic Symmetries that played a significant role in the discovery and subsequent developments of the so-called gauge/gravity (or holographic) dualities. The existence of these Asymptotic Symmetries indeed suggest a dual description of a gravitational system (including black holes) in terms of certain types of Field Theories exhibiting an infinite-dimensional symmetry. I will discuss how these observations hint at a possible resolution of the Black Hole Entropy Problem.

        Speaker: Stéphane Detournay
    • 16:00
      Coffee break
    • IRMP: gong session: gong session
      Convener: Pierre-Emmanuel Caprace (UCLouvain)
      • 3
        The nature of dark matter - WIMPs and beyond
        Speaker: Jan Heisig
      • 4
        On continuous one-parameter subgroups
        Speaker: Timothée Marquis
      • 5
        MoMEMta, a software for the computation of the Matrix Element weights
        Speaker: Florian Bury
      • 6
        Abrikosov lattices in superconductivity
        Speaker: Remy Rodiac
      • 7
        Bipartite fidelity of critical dense polymers
        Speaker: Gilles Parez
      • 8
        Heavy ions at LHC: A brief introduction to challenges and achievements so far
        Speaker: georgios krintiras
      • 9
        Neutrinos, Their Masses, and Large Hadron Collisions
        Speaker: Richard Ruiz (Universite Catholique de Louvain)
      • 10
        Functional relations in a lattice model of dilute loops
        Speaker: Alexi Morin-Duchesne
      • 11
        Collinear Splitting Functions in QCD
        Speaker: Martin Michel (CP3)
      • 12
        Mal'tsev categories
        Speaker: Arnaud Duvieusart
    • 18:00