15–18 Apr 2019
Europe/Brussels timezone

EFT interpretations across LHC experiments and efforts towards global analyses

17 Apr 2019, 14:00


Alexander Josef Grohsjean (CERN - EP/UCM)


Up to now, more than 150 fb$^{-1}$ of integrated luminosity have been collected by the CMS and ATLAS experiments at 13 TeV. These large data-sets allow challenging searches for subtle signs of generic physics beyond the standard model (BSM). A theoretical framework to describe such effects is provided by the standard model effective field theory (SMEFT) in which BSM physics is encoded via higher-dimensional operators modifying the couplings of the standard model particles. Developing a comprehensive research program to measure the coefficients of these modified couplings with highest precision is one of the main tasks of the LHC experiments in the upcoming years.
In this talk, latest experimental results on SMEFT measurements from the LHC experiments will be summarized, and a potential roadmap towards a first global analysis will be outlined using the example of the CMS experiment.

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