29 November 2022 to 2 December 2022
Marc de Hemptinne (chemin du Cyclotron, 2, Louvain-la-Neuve)
Europe/Brussels timezone


Attention: Do not confuse Louvain-la-Neuve with Louvain (the French translation of the Flemish city of Leuven).

Accommodations in Louvain-la-Neuve

Pre-booked rooms are not available anymore. If you have any issues with finding an accommodation on your own, don't hesitate to contact the LOC.

In Louvain-la-Neuve, the accommodation options are limited but two of them are highlighted here, as rooms have been pre-booked for your convenience (to be indicated on the registration form):

  • Ibis Styles: a three-stars hotel at 25 minutes walking distance from the venue. A special rate of 96 Euros (including breakfast) is ensured for the first 30 participants (after request on the registration page and before October 24) and based on availability for later requests.
  • Gite Mozaik: a hostel at 10 minutes walking distance from the workshop venue. The price per night is 53 Euros/night (including breakfast). We have pre-reserved single rooms, with private bathroom. If you wish one of these rooms, please indicate so in your registration form by September 30, and we will confirm it for you. As for Ibis, the assignation will be done on a first-come-first-served basis, until capacity.

Other options are available, such as Martin's Hotel in the city center, but you should make the reservation by yourself.

In case of cancellation for a booking made by the organizing committee, let us know at least 48 hours before the event, otherwise, the participant may have to bear the cost.

Map of the city with all above accomodations

Staying in Brussels

If you prefer to stay near Brussels, you can find a lot of options. Please see the travel page to have a better idea about the daily commute.