BND school programme - Electroweak Physics year:
- Quantum Field Theory (9h), with tutorials --> J.-R. Cudell (Liège) th
- Electroweak theory (6h), with tutorials --> A. Czarnecki (Alberta) th
- EW experimental results from LEP and Tevatron (4h) --> J. D'Hondt (Brussels) exp
- Cosmology (2h) --> M. Tytgat (Brussels) th
- Early universe and inflation (1h) --> C. Ringeval (Louvain-la-Neuve) th
- Experimental searches for physics BSM (3h) --> P. Bechtle (DESY) exp
- Introduction to CP violation (4h) --> J.-M. Gerard (Louvain-la-Neuve) th
- Experimental aspects of the LHC physics (3h) --> D. Froidevaux (CERN/Nijmegen) exp
- Tracking at the LHC (4h) --> M. Vander Donckt (CERN) with P. Vanlaer (Brussels) exp
- Neutrino sector (3h) --> E. Bernardini (DESY/Zeuthen) exp
- Special lectures: Gravitational lensing (JF.Claeskens), Solar models (TBC) and Space Center in Liège (JM. Defise)