Seminars and Journal Clubs

Tracking in ZEUS experiment

by Mr Vincent Roberfroid (CP3)



The ZEUS detector is located at DESY in Hamburg, with dimensions of 12m x 10m x 19m and weighting 3600 tons. It is dedicated to identify the nature and properties of particles produced by the high energy electron-proton collisions produced by the HERA collisioner. The momentum and the charge of the particles can be calculated by measuring and fitting their trajectories in a magnetic field. This is the goal of the Central Tracking Detector. At its centre, this component of the ZEUS detector is completed by a Micro Vertex Detector. Situated close to the beam line, this subdetector is designed to measure precisely the tracks near the interaction point (the vertex). These two essential tracking components will be described briefly and the various techniques used to determine the track parameters and the vertex positions will be presented. Reference :