Seminars and Journal Clubs

New Light on Dark Energy: The Mystery Deepens

by Prof. Tamara Davis

CYCL01 (Marc de Hemptinne (chemin du Cyclotron, 2, Louvain-la-Neuve))


Marc de Hemptinne (chemin du Cyclotron, 2, Louvain-la-Neuve)


After 6 years of painstaking observations, an international team has garnered evidence that dark energy may be changing with time. I shall outline how the Dark Energy Survey observations of about 1,500 supernovae have pinned down the density of dark energy with unprecedented precision, and also enabled a precise measurement of time dilation due to the expansion of the Universe. But what would be the implications of time-dependent dark energy for fundamental physics and the fate of the universe?

16:00 Welcome and brief intro
16:15 - 17:15 IRMP Colloquium talk by Prof. Tamar Davis
17:15 - 17:30 Questions and discussion 
17:30 - ... Snacks and drinks with the speaker

No registration is needed to attend the talk, but please register if you would like to join for the snacks & beers.

About the speaker:
Tamara Davis is a highly decorated professor of astrophysics at the University of Queensland. She currently leads the Australian Dark Energy Survey (OzDES) and is Deputy Director of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Gravitational Wave Discovery (OzGrav). She is an avid communicator of science and occasional guest host of astrophysics documentaries, including the episode “Black Hole Hunters” which won the American Institute of Physics Science Communication Award. Amongst her many accolades she received an Order of Australia for "significant service to astrophysical science, to education, and to young astronomers


Organised by

Marco Drewes
