22 January 2009
Louvain University
Europe/Brussels timezone
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Applications of the gauge/gravity duality

22 Jan 2009, 14:40
auditoire Montesquieu: MONT01 (Louvain University)

auditoire Montesquieu: MONT01

Louvain University

32 rue Montesquieu Louvain-la-Neuve


Dr Marco Caldarelli (KUL)


The old suggestive observation that black holes often resemble lumps of fluid has recently been taken beyond the level of an analogy to a precise duality, that relates holographically a sector of anti-de Sitter gravity to fluid dynamics. We will review this correspondence and some of its applications, with an emphasis on the study of instabilities of black strings and fluid tubes.

Primary author

Dr Marco Caldarelli (KUL)

Presentation materials