BelGrav weekly meeting "Talk" format

Europe/Brussels (virtual - zoom)

virtual - zoom

Please see slide for new / announcements.
* Please keep FTEs updated in EMD.
* Please let Archisman know if end date is appeoaching.
* Consider nominating junior members for VSC ECS representatives.
* DAC chair election preference towards Francesco Pannarale. Broader; statement represents all DA group activities (burst, CBC, GW, stochastic).
* Request from Andrew that DAC chair elections be delayed until VECS representatives have been elected. Action for Archisman.
* Review of MoA: (Archisman) WG chairs and DAC chairs in review committee. Giacomo: Writing report would be tedious. Suggestion to propose and check-off FTEs. Kamiel: Difficult to change now, since this is already in the bylaws. Giacomo: Bylaws not immutable. Archisman: Perhaps writing-review process can be made lighter by looking into FTE contributions. Action for Archisman.

Guillaume presentation. Question about uncertainty in calibration.


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