This is the annual meeting of the EOS be.h consortium. This year it will be exceptionally held in September.
The main theme of this meeting is getting finally together and looking forward to new challenges in the field.
The meeting will take place under COVID-SAFE restrictions
All participants will need to show proof of vaccination and/or recovery or negative PCR test of no longer than 48 hrs old (no fast/instant test allowed), by means of a Covid Safe ticket/QR code. This code will be scanned when you enter the meeting room and register.
PARKING: It is not possible to park on university parking lots near the venue without university personnel badge. There is plenty of public (underground) parking at walking distance from the venue. We are also at walking distance from the central station!
A map of the area with indications of parkings can be found HERE
ZOOM: Remote speakers, and people who cannot attend the meeting in person, can use this ZOOM LINK