Higgs boson pair production (HH) is one of the key research topics at the LHC, offering a unique possibility to shed light on the nature of the scalar potential that is at the origin of the electroweak symmetry breaking. By measuring the strength and properties of HH production we can access the Higgs boson self-coupling λ and thus the shape of the scalar potential itself. Physics beyond the SM (BSM) may manifest trough anomalous nonresonant HH production, and with new resonances that decay to HH (resonant production). Depending on the HH decay channels, a wide variety of such channels will be obtained. The four-lepton (4l) decay channel is the rarest observed so far at the LHC but it has the largest signal-to-background ratio. The analysis presented here, consists in the search for HH pairs where one Higgs decays to 4l and the other to a pair of b jets (bb). The choiche of this final state takes advantage of the high branching fraction of the bb decay channel, partially compensating for the large yield reduction from the tiny branching fraction of the 4l decay channel. A final overview of the HH analyses prospects is provided.
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