16–19 Jun 2025
Dipartimento di Fisica
Europe/Brussels timezone

Direct dark matter detection: where are we and where are we going?

17 Jun 2025, 09:45
Aula C (Dipartimento di Fisica)

Aula C

Dipartimento di Fisica

Via Pietro Giuria 1 10100 Torino


Laura Baudis (University of Zurich)


The fundamental nature of dark or invisible matter remains one of the great mysteries of our time. A leading hypothesis is that dark matter is made of new elementary particles, with proposed masses and interaction cross sections spanning an enormous range. Among these, particles with masses in the MeV-TeV range could be directly observed via scatters with atomic nuclei or electrons in ultra-low background detectors operated deep underground. After an introduction to the principles of direct dark matter detection, I will discuss the most promising experimental techniques, addressing their current and future science reach, as well as their complementarity.

Primary author

Laura Baudis (University of Zurich)

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