BelGrav weekly meeting "Talk" format

Europe/Brussels (virtual - zoom)

virtual - zoom

Alba Romero-Rodríguez (Vrije Universiteit Brussels (VUB))

News and announcements: link to slides


  • VSC meeting last week: 
    • deputy spokesperson was appointed (Viola Sordini)
    • EGO/Virgo organization is something new and it is being appointed at teh moment. There will be 3 members of Virgo, out of which 1 has to be external to the EGO countries (Italy, France and Netherlands). 
    • New virgo group: Virgo-Brazil → still undecided 

Alex: The Virgo-Brazil group seems to be very versatile. They are also trying to get into ET. Concern: the Brazilian air force seems to be involved. 

Archisman: they would be the first non-EU members

Archisman: reminders!!

  • Keep VMD updated → to avoid extra charges or removal from the author list 
  • Keep ETMD updated (same as Virgo but for ET) 

Max: please, add description about your groups here: Belgrav Projects

Archisman: next meeting on 3rd of July! 


Presentation by Stavros Venikoudis: impact of correlated  magnetic noise on anisotropic stochast searches 

  • Link to slides
  • Sources: Schumann resonances, superposition of individual lightning strikes, …
  • Coupling mechanisms: coupling with permanent magnets of actuators/suspension systems and 
  • In our analysis we need to assume or data is given by:
  • To determine the correlated magnetic noise we used data from magnetometer at LIGO and Virgo sites. There’re 2 perpendicular magnetometers outside each site. 
  • We consider two coupling functions: 
    • Inside to GW channel (coupling from inside the detector) → obtained from environmental noise injections 
      • LIGO: injection before and after O3
      • Virgo: weekly injections during O3 from which an average value was obtained 

Via this formula:

If this was not possible, an upper limit was obtained. 

  • Outside to inside (effect of the building structure in the magnetic measurements) 
    • Obtained by using magnetic fields generated by lightning strokes near L1 
  • The two coupling functions are finally multiplied.
  • The effect of the magnetic correlation on all sky all frequency anisotropic searches is subleading:

The highest effect is around 20Hz. 

At 27.3Hz we find the 4th Schumann resonance peak 

  • Broadband analysis results: subleading effect
  • Isotropic magnetic budget for O3 agrees with the results by Kamiel (orange line):

However, there’re small disagreements at high frequencies. 

  • We repeated the same for all baselines

Archisman: why are there peaks in the Omega_GW plot? Are these structures well known? 

Stavros: the broadband structure between 20-60Hz are due to Schumann resonances. At higher freqs. We have the effect from lightning strikes. 

Federico: More details can be found in this work by Kamiel et al. :


There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 11:30 11:35
      News and announcements 5m
      Speaker: Archisman Ghosh (Ghent University)
    • 11:35 12:05
      Talk 30m
      Speaker: Stavros Venikoudis (UCLouvain CP3)