21 June 2024
KU Leuven
Europe/Brussels timezone

Following a tradition established over almost two decades,  the Belgian High Energy Physics community organises regular informal scientific meetings where ideas and results, theoretical as well as experimental,  are presented and discussed. 

Originally, these meetings were held in the context of the PAI Fundamental Interactions. Even though the PAI programme  stopped, the HEP community has decided to continue the tradition and start the be.hep series of yearly meetings.

One of the most enriching aspects of these events is the fact that all "souls" of HEP activities in Belgium, will be present and contribute to the program. These go from formal aspects of quantum field and string theory, gravitation and cosmology to particle physics, theory and experiments (from the LHC, to NA62, to Solid,..), astroparticles (IceCube, TA, Pierre Auger Observatory and Km3Net) and gravitational wave physics.

The meeting will be in presence only.


Experimental particle physics : Barbara Clerbaux (ULB), Didar Dobur (UGhent), Christophe Delaere (UCLouvain), Eduardo Cortina (UCLouvain), Jorgen D'Hondt  (VUB).

Formal Theory : Riccardo Argurio (ULB), Thomas Van Riet (KULeuven), Ben Craps (VUB), Nicolas Boulanger (UMONS). 

Phenomenology :  Céline Degrande (ULouvain), Thomas Hambye (ULB), Fabio Maltoni (UCLouvain), Michel Tytgat (ULB), Alberto Mariotti (VUB), Ben Page (UGhent). 

Astro/GW connection: Steven Lowette (VUB),  Nick Van Remortel (UAntwerpen), Giacomo Bruno (UCLouvain), Gwenhael de Wasseige (UCLouvain), Ioana Maris (ULB), Tjonnie Li (KULeuven), Krijn De Vries (VUB), Jean Renè Cudell (ULiege).  



KU Leuven
Thermotechnisch Instituut Kasteelpark 41 3001 Heverlee
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