BelGrav weekly meeting "Roundtable" format

Europe/Brussels (virtual - zoom)

virtual - zoom

Alba Romero-Rodríguez (Vrije Universiteit Brussels (VUB))

Minutes Belgrav call 11th October 2023

News and announcements: link to slides

Archisman: new members: Deepali


  • Yearly activity report is submitted
  • VSC meeting next week. Topics to discuss:
    • Election committee for the Commissioning coordinator
    • Virgo representative in climate change committee
    • Calendar of 2024 Virgo meetings
    • Approval of mandates of the Upgrade and Commissioning coordinators
    • Vote for the ranked list of candidates for Upgrade coordinator
  • Virgo week in November: Get in touch with Francesco Panarale for talks. 
  • Sebastien: my new post-doc who starts in November, Vincent Juste, may be interested to present in the coming weeks.
  • Giacomo: 





  • Sébastien Clesse (ULB): subsolar analysis. High activity in this group. We’re finalising a paper on one subsolar mass candidate from O3. The signal is very positive. 
  • Jean-René: what’s the confidence level?
  • Sebastien: more than 5 sigma. The prob. that it’s noise event assuming Gaussian noise ( 5% )
  • Jean-René: retrained the pipeline for O4. We did not find any candidate.
  • Gergely: Csezary’s paper on the H constant estimation has been accepted:




  • Maxime Fays (ULiège): M. Coughlin is moving to another position. Reviewing pipeline for mid-O4. 


Instrumentation - optics


  • Ricardo Cabrita: in Nov., Matteo Tacca will visit for a few weeks Louvain la Neuve. Will help take some measurements. Seminar to be given. 
  • Daniela: working on the design for the SRC. Two possible configs. Made the model in Oscar. Plan to implement a new cavity. Need to change the configuration. Short/long cavity is easier/major work on the building. This is planned to take place before O5. 
  • Ricardo: which one are you working on? 
  • Daniela: short cavity
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