BelGrav weekly meeting "Roundtable" format

Europe/Brussels (virtual - zoom)

virtual - zoom

Alba Romero-Rodríguez (Vrije Universiteit Brussels (VUB))

News and announcements: link to slides


  • Virgo week is taking place from the 3rd to the 7th of July: see indico page
  • Is there anyone planning to present their data analysis work? 

Giacomo: talk planned by a master student in the Virgo week → I shall contact Archisman and Francesco to let them know.  



Giacomo: in touch with Rome people, though no major updates. 




  • I keep working on the analysis of mock ET data for 1 month 
  • Discussing with specialists on seismic noise 

Stavros: magnetic correlated noise in directional searches → successfully done the correlation for HL baseline. Now gonna proceed with the other baselines: some issues may arise with Virgo since the calibration factors are different and the naming convention of the data changes.

Alba: ER15 data analysis performed. From now onwards, with O4 data, we will keep performing the stochastic analysis every 2 months. 



Kumar: rrom last week, I am working on the demodulation of the LVDT response. I am reading about demodulation procedures in general and trying to make some analytical models. Also, I am checking with standard demodulation techniques used in Virgo data acquisition systems and trying to implement them in the DAQ present in our lab. We have the plan to test the Voice Coil force in the coming weeks in our lab. 

Pengbo: we 3D printed the Mirror coil (which will be used in ETpf), and plan to measure the voice coil force in Antwerp this week. The result will be compared with the simulation result to validate our understanding of the voice coil actuator property.

The piece to the right will be introduced in the one to the left and be allowed to slide inside. 



Andres: in the near future, the Virgo and LIGO computing are discussing not giving support for authentications other than using tokens. There’s documentation in the computing guide: link



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