BelGrav weekly meeting "Roundtable" format

Europe/Brussels (virtual - zoom)

virtual - zoom

Daniela Pascucci (Ghent University)

Participants: Daniela Pascucci, Giacomo Bruno, Maxime Fays, Anoop Koushik, Cezary Turski, Federico De Lillo, Freija Beirnaert, Gergely Dalya, Hans Van Haevermaet, Jishnu Suresh, Kamiel Janssens, Kumar Akhil, Matthias Vereecken, Max Lallemen, Nick van Remortel, Pengbo Li, Prasanta Char, Ricardo Cabrita, Stavros Venikoudis, Joris van Heijningen, Yaru Luo

News and announcements

  • Daniela: 
    • news from Virgo (see slides)
  • Max Lalleman
    • request feedback for a presentation on the LVK (an overview with some focus on Belgrav activities) for the Belgian HEP meeting. Ricardo sent a link of a presentation made by Julia Casanueva that can be useful.
  • Joris:
    • HRTS assembly started
    • ESA selected the Lunar Gravitational Wave Antenna for Reserve Pool of Science Activities for the Moon
    • Introduction of Yaru Luo, summer student who will work with Joris and Ricardo


  • Giacomo (for Sebastien):
    • Paper submitted and reviewers asked for some final checks that in the end gave even more confidence on some of the candidates
  • Gergely:
    • No updates from cosmology
    • Started galaxy catalogue paper (probably will be finished after the summer)


  • Maxime:
    • O4 analysis ongoing. Progress can be seen here.
  • Gergely:
    • Marco is finalising his work on ET and is writing the master thesis.

Instrumentation - Optics

  • Ricardo:
    • Work on the phase camera is going on. Help from an engeneer for the FPGA code. Measuring the angle resolution of the scanner (currently use a borrowed scanner, the final one will arrive on January from PI)
  • Joris:
    • Anoop involved in the alignment of a linear particle collider, which use cryogenics and can help with the LVTD
  • Daniela:
    • Last week there was the optical simulation workshop in Amsterdam. Wrote the script to model the OMC in both OSCAR and Finesse 3.





There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 1
      Speaker: Archisman Ghosh (Ghent University)
    • 2
      Speakers: Eleni Bagui (ULB), Sébastien Clesse (ULB), Cezary Turski (UGent), Freija Beirnaert (UGent), Gergely Dálya (UGent), Archisman Ghosh (Ghent University), Jean-René Cudell (Université de Liège)
    • 3
      Speakers: Vincent Boudart (ULiège), Maxime Fays (ULiège), Gergely Dálya (UGent)
    • 4
      Instrumentation - optics
      Speakers: Ricardo Cabrita, Joris van Heijningen (UCLouvain), Daniela Pascucci (UGent)