22 January 2009
Louvain University
Europe/Brussels timezone
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Central Exclusive Dijet Production

22 Jan 2009, 15:40
auditoire Montesquieu: MONT01 (Louvain University)

auditoire Montesquieu: MONT01

Louvain University

32 rue Montesquieu Louvain-la-Neuve


Ms Alice Dechambre (ULg)


In view of the recent diffractive dijet data from CDF RunII, we critically re-evaluate the standard approach to the production of high-mass systems in proton/antiproton collision. A central exclusive dijet production is characterized by a large separation in rapidity of the final products and by few hadronic remnants. This mode of production is interesting because, from the measurement of the momenta of the daughter proton and antiproton, it is possible to reconstruct the mass of the centrally produced system without detecting it. Typical calculations of central exclusive production are divided in five pieces, the lower order QCD calculation and four corrections that can be large and leads to large uncertainties on the value of the cross section. All the arguments developed here can be used in order to improve our understanding of Higgs boson exclusive production.

Primary author

Ms Alice Dechambre (ULg)

Presentation materials