22 January 2009
Louvain University
Europe/Brussels timezone
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ttbar production process as a background to standard ModelHiggs decay to WW*

22 Jan 2009, 15:20
auditoire Montesquieu: MONT01 (Louvain University)

auditoire Montesquieu: MONT01

Louvain University

32 rue Montesquieu Louvain-la-Neuve


Dr Majid Hashemi (UA)


I will briefly describe, first, the current status of the H->WW* analysis in CMS and discuss about its main news and messages. Concentration will be more on our group contribution in this analysis and the results obtained so far. In the second (and main) part of the talk, I will focus on the ttbar background as one of the main background processes of H->WW events. Therefore the approach for ttbar background measurement is described by introduncing a control region and optimizing selection cuts which enhance this background and then using extrapolation of errors the total uncertainty of this background in the Higgs signal region is estimated. At the end I will discuss about possible improvements and development of the analysis and then a final conclusion is made.

Primary author

Dr Majid Hashemi (UA)

Presentation materials

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