BelGrav weekly meeting "Roundtable" format

Europe/Brussels (virtual - zoom)

virtual - zoom

News and announcements: please see slide.

JRC: (On biweekly collaboration meetings) suggestion to have two alternating slots.


Magdalena: GW parallax is finished. PnP and internal review. Expect to submit final version.


Max: PySGWB paper progressing.

Guillaume: Paper continuing.

Kevin: Paper ready to submit to PnP next week. Last week stoch meeting in Belgium.

VUB: Nothing to update.

Federico: SGWB from pulsar glitches has finished PnP internal review.


Pengbo: Physical precision of setup. Need to make it stable. Demodulation of signal from LVDT.

Kumar: Continuing working.

Anoop: RasWAT recently got small vacuum chamber enough to fit in air around initial chamber.

Joris: Technical drawing.

Daniela: Short update about parts for ETpf. Almost done. Should be able to send to Maastricht next week.


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