News and announcements
Magdalena: Paper about GW parallax is almost ready. Found that by using GW parallax can measure distance to sources pretty well. Constrain properties of NS, such as moment of intertia.
Archisman: Fundamental physics? MS: Recent papers.
Andrew: Visiting ESA for a few weeks. Analyzing LISA pf data for dm / dark photon. DAC presentations for O4 PBH paper and O4 DM direct detection paper. GeV excess paper almost finished. Constraints on number of ms pulsars.
Archisman: LISA data? Andrew: LISA pathfinder data public. Giacomo: Will you actually analyze real data? Andrew: yes. Nick: Guillaume has experience with LISA pathfinder data. Can extend this.
Antwerp: Kamiel, Kevin, Nick posted review paper (71 pages) on arXiv current status. Kamiel wrapping up a couple on papers: correlated magnetic noise (ET science), formalism of null stream developed for LISA to be extended for ET. Kamiel: stochastic detchar for O4. Get in contact if interested. Kevin TTU Bayesian analysis programme for popcorn. Kevin: Python version of isotropic pipeline. Start review by the end of the year. Simple toy models. MDC 5 year data set with stochastic pipeline.
Federico: Last week met with PhDs and postdocs. Encourage collaborations.
Archisman: Will be good to hear about some of the new work as longer talks.
Written update from Hans: Pengbo, Kumar, and Hans unable to join. Travelling to Maastricht to install the coil winding machine and deliver several other parts/items. Can show some pictures in the future. Apart from this, main focus at the moment is to measure an LVDT+VC coil design to be used in ETpathfinder and to compare it with simulation.
Anoop: RasWatt, Watts link and Rasnik read out. Really crude suspension. Expect better results with well working suspension. Nick: ISB Harald welcomed Anoop to Hannover. Joris: HAM tables. CAD drawings of LIGO tables so that they follow each other. Rasnik could become complementary.
Joris: Test blocks of niobium. If everything goes well, by end of november. Paper on LGWA payload.
Morgane: Work for ETEST. Cryogenic intertial sensors. Optical expt. Quality factor of the mirrors. Exact same readout as cryogenic interial sensor. Measure the modes and their QFs. Bandwidth 15 kHz.
Daniela: Production of suspension parts. Small issue. Nick: Larger pieces can contact Antwerp workshop.
Andres: Co chair computing divisio for ET. Increases Belgian presence!
Meeting abruptly ended by Archisman.