BelGrav weekly meeting "Roundtable" format

Europe/Brussels (virtual - zoom)

virtual - zoom

News: new CBC chair, DAC elections coming up

CBC: no news


Maxime: still doing MoUs, nothing happened since the Cardiff meeting. 


Ricardo: recently started working with a student who will help with simulations, preparing a presentation on Monday on Mode content analytics brainstorm

AoB: no.

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 11:00 11:05
      News 5m
      Speaker: Archisman Ghosh (Ghent University)
    • 11:05 11:10
      CBC 5m
      Speakers: Eleni Bagui (ULB), Sébastien Clesse (ULB), Cezary Turski (UGent), Freija Beirnaert (UGent), Gergely Dálya (UGent), Archisman Ghosh (Ghent University), Grégory Baltus (uliège), Jean-René Cudell (Université de Liège)
    • 11:10 11:15
      Bursts 5m
      Speakers: Vincent Boudart (ULiège), Maxime Fays (ULiège), Gergely Dálya (UGent)
    • 11:15 11:20
      Instrumentation - optics 5m
      Speakers: Ricardo Cabrita, Joris van Heijningen (UCLouvain), Daniela Pascucci (UGent)