Seminar WP1


Discussions and seminars

VUB Jean Sacton seminar room (G1003 large seminar room)

    • 11:00 12:00
      The Rise of SMEFT On-shell Amplitudes 1h

      We present a map between the tree-level Standard Model Effective Theory (SMEFT) in the Warsaw basis and massive on-shell amplitudes. As a first step, we focus on the electroweak sector without fermions. We describe the Feynman rules for a particular choice of input scheme and compare them with the 3-point massive amplitudes in the broken phase. Thereby we fix an on-shell basis which allows us to study scattering amplitudes with recursion relations. We hope to open up new avenues of exploration to a complete formulation of massive EFTs in the on-shell language.

      Speaker: Rafael Aoude (JGU, Mainz)