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Séminaire GPP: Andreas Klümper (Bergische U. Wuppertal): Correlation functions of the integrable SU(n) spin chain

B203-05 (MdeHemptinne)




We study the correlation functions of SU(n) n>2 invariant spin chains in the 
thermodynamic limit. We formulate a consistent framework for the computation 
of short-range correlation functions via functional equations which hold even 
at finite temperature. We give the explicit solution for two- and three-site 
correlations for the SU(3) case at zero temperature. The correlators do not 
seem to be of factorizable form. From the two-sites result we see that the 
correlation functions are given in terms of Hurwitz' zeta function, which 
differs from the SU(2) case where the correlations are expressed in terms of 
Riemann's zeta function of odd arguments.

Organised by

Alexi Morin Duchesne